This is the on-line home for Schulenberg-Cole's IB English 11. It is at this site where students can find class announcements, homework postings, inquiry requests, and class handouts.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18th: Interactive Literary Analysis Notebooks- A Doll's House

1. ACT is TOMORROW! Make sure you know what room you are testing in tomorrow morning. Be on time! Have 3 #2 pencils! Look over the directions to each test tonight. Be aware of your target numbers on the Reading, Science, and Math tests.

Cole's ACT Website

2. Look for IOA Readings posted under A Doll's House links. IOA is next Wednesday (26th)

3. Interactive literary analysis notebooks! 
This project is designed to help you interact with the text in a closer manner... We can identify the effect.. .now to spend more time of the causes of the effect.

You will have a section for each of the following literary devices:
1. Didacticism
2. Setting
3. Dialogue
4. Metaphor
5. Characterization (2 characters)
6. Theme- developed by your reading.
7. Genre

On the left-hand side of the pages you will have the following information:
1. Definition of term **
2. Findings/theories about the device usage by the author. **
3. Questions you have about the device and its usage in the text. **
4. Comparisons to other texts.. read in class.. out of class.
5. Visualizations.
6. Reflections... reflective writing.
7.  Images.. drawings.
7.  Literary claim. **
(I have ** required inclusions)

On the right-hand side of the pages is where you will have passages.. quotes.. that have been annotated showing evidence of the specific device in the writing.

 Overall requirements:
1. Number your pages.
2. Place a table of contents at the beginning.
3. Be creative.
4. Annotated text must accompany each left-handed page..
5. Utilize this process to help develop ideas for World Literature paper.

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